Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mock NEWBERY: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Starred Review: Kirkus 01/15/07
Author: Kinney, Jeff
Title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
ISBN: 97801810993136

This book is funny and interesting, but very episodic and I didn't feel there was a cohesive plot through the whole book. The main character did 'do the right thing' at the very end of the book, but still didn't seem to have developed much. It felt more like a one shot deal. Again and again through the book the main character, Greg, disreguards others feelings, uses his 'best friend', and just generally acts like a jerk. There is no eppifany when he realizes that he's been treating his friend badly and owes him an apology or even that how he acts is wrong. It's a good read and funny, but could be so much better if the plot and characters were developed more.

I know that boys will pick up the book and may even enjoy the unique blend of prose and comic art. It reminded me of Moss' Amelia's Notebooks. A good pick for the collection, but not an award winner in my eyes.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Mock Printz: Dreamquake by Elizabeth Knox

Dreamquake by Elizabeth Knox

ISBN 0374318549

Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2007

Laura Hame is the last in a long line of Dreamers. She was first introduced in the book, Dreamhunters. She, with assistance from her family, continues her quest to discover the truth about the Place, a separate, barren piece of earth containing powerful influential dreams, where only but a few people have the ability to dissolve into. In this alternative world, dreams have replaced technology and a whole different society has formed. Dreams are used to punish criminals, dreams are used to provide contentment and stop people from thinking, and ultimately, dreams are used to wield power. Laura, like any true hero, figures out the mystery of the Place and in turn heals the world. Even though this book is second in a series, I think it can stand on its own. The fantasy is highly imaginative with excellent characterizations. There is plenty of drama and adventure with girls being the risk takers. It left quite an impression on me and it was disappointing to finish the book.

Reviewd by Susan R., Rutherford Library